
Voor- en nabehandeling

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No special measures need to be taken before a cornea transplant. Sometimes, a laser will be used to make a tiny hole in the iris (periphery iridotomy). This treatment is preventative and reduces the risk of high eye pressure following the cornea transplant. If necessary, this will be discussed with you in advance.


During the treatment

During your surgery, you will usually receive anaesthesia with eye drops and an injection near the eye. You can also be sedated.



We recommend that you do not rub your eyes, lift items or bend over during the first few weeks following your surgery. Please take into consideration that you will need regular checkups for at least a year following surgery and that you will need to use eye drops in the operated eye several times a day.

Waarom kiezen voor
Melles Hoornvlieskliniek?

Minimaal invasieve behandelingen op maat voor u
Al ruim 20 jaar voorloper in hoornvlieszorg
Persoonlijke tijd en aandacht van ons betrokken team
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